Liudmila Shor is the wife of Grigorii Shor and was born in Kopayhorod. She attended a Ukrainian language school. Her father owned a flower shop, but was driven out of the house and shop in the 1930s. Her family then moved to Verkhovka and her father became a barber. She has two daughters, one lives in Israel and the other in Germany. She is active in the Vinnytsya Jewish Women’s Choir.
Other Interviews:
A Coachman's SongVanity of Vanities
I’m leaving you my dear in-laws
Vinnytsya, Ukraine
Ikh for fun aykh avek. ikh for fun aykh avek, Mayne libe mekhutonim, mayne libe mekhutonim... Ikh loz aykh iber mayn kind, Mayn tokhter far a shnur, Iz zet, zi zol nit onvern ir ponim! Mekhuteneste mayne, mekhuteneste getraye, Mayn kind fri zolt ir mir nit vekn, Mayn kind fri zolt ir mir nit vekn! Un tomer vet ir zen an avle fun mayn kind – Iz vi a muter zolt ir dos fardekn... Mekhuteneste mayne, Mekhuteneste getraye, Af kinder tut men blut fargisn, Af kinder tut men blut fargisn! Un tomer vet ir zen, az der zun hot lib di shnur – Iz vi a muter zol aykh nit fardrisn! Oy, shvigerl mayne, oy, shvigerl getraye, Tsu aykh kum ikh on a parikl, Tsu aykh kum ikh on a parikl! Un tomer vet ir zayn a shlak, a beyze shviger – Iz bin ikh oykh a shnurl an antikl!
I’m leaving you, my dear in-laws. I’m giving you my daughter as a daughter-in-law. May she not lose her looks with you! Mekhuteneste [mother-in-law of the bride], don’t wake my daughter too early. And if you notice any faults in my child, like a mother you should overlook them. It takes plenty of suffering to raise children. And if you notice that your son loves my daughter, like a mother you shouldn’t get upset. My dear and devoted mother-in law, I come to you without a wig on. And if you should be a shrewish, nasty mother-in-law, let me warn you that I will be your match!
Source: Joel Rubin, Shalom Comrade!:Yiddish Music in the Soviet Union 1928-1961