
Pesia Kolodenker was born in Tulchyn in 1927. She is the sister of Lev and Aleksandr Kolodenker, as well as the husband of Nisen Kiselman. Her mother was a candy wrapper, before becoming a homemaker. She survived the war in the Tulchyn ghetto and Pechera concentration camp.

Other Interviews:

A Wealthy Family
A Piece of Bread
At the Yiddish School

Transport of Corpses

Tulchyn, Ukraine

Throughout 1942-1943, the death rate in the Pechera concentration camp rose. Inmates were forced to work carting the dead out of the camp to a nearby mass grave in the forest, where the dead were buried. In this clip, Pesia Kolodenko remembers what the cart looked like as it rolled through the camp. Others we have interviewed recall sick relatives being taken alive to be buried.