
Pesia Kolodenker was born in Tulchyn in 1927. She is the sister of Lev and Aleksandr Kolodenker, as well as the husband of Nisen Kiselman. Her mother was a candy wrapper, before becoming a homemaker. She survived the war in the Tulchyn ghetto and Pechera concentration camp.

Other Interviews:

A Wealthy Family
Transport of Corpses
At the Yiddish School

A Piece of Bread

Tulchyn, Ukraine

Pesia recites a song in this clip that she heard from an acquaintance in the Pechera concentration camp. A woman, who lost her six children in the camp, asked for food.

The horrid reality of daily life in a concentration camp, including personal encounters like Pesia's, were intensified by the fact that no one was able to give her anything. The woman therefore passed away soon after. Encounters with acquaintances and strangers in this extraordinary environment haunt survivors their entire lives.