
Grigorii Shor was born in Kopayhorod in 1925. His father was a butcher. He studied for seven years at a Yiddish school and finished his education in a Ukrainian school. He lived in Kopayhorod until he was drafted into the military in 1944. Her remained in the military until 1971.

Other Interviews:

Matzo Baking in the Shtetl

Wooden Synagogue

Vinnytsya, Ukraine

Grigorii Shor has distinct memories of attending the wooden two-storied synagogue in Kopayhorod with his father until it was closed in 1936.

It is fascinating from an ethnographic standpoint to watch Grigorii in the process of remembering details of life in the shtetl of the 1930s in Yiddish - a language he had not spoken for 60 years. At times he struggles to find the appropriate terminology, having spent most of his adult life in the secular Soviet state speaking Russian. His wife, Liudmila, interjects repeatedly, trying to help him out, as does Dov-Ber Kerler, who is conducting the interview.